TokenSphere for Real Estate Developers and Agencies

TokenSphere for Real Estate Developers and Agencies

Unlock a World of Digital Real Estate Investment with TokenSphere

Empower your Real Estate Endeavours with Digital Fractional Ownership

In a rapidly evolving digital age, the real estate industry has the opportunity to transform and diversify its traditional capital raising, customer acquisition, and retention strategies. With TokenSphere's Whitelabel solution, take your real estate enterprise to the next generation of investors, operators, and fund managers.

Why TokenSphere?

Why TokenSphere?

Why TokenSphere?

Digital Native Investment Vehicles: Launch and manage your investment initiatives without the regulatory constraints. TokenSphere offers an efficient and compliant platform to tokenize companies that own properties and real estate funds.

Universal Accessibility: Our platform transcends the crypto niche, ensuring that anyone - whether a seasoned crypto enthusiast or a real estate traditionalist - can easily navigate and utilize our tools.

Grow with Fractionalization: By fractionalizing assets, attract a wider range of investors and democratize real estate investment. Open doors to smaller investors, enhancing liquidity and increasing your asset base.

Seamless Integration: Our Whitelabel solution integrates smoothly into your existing business model, allowing you to retain your brand's identity while offering innovative digital investment solutions.

Key Features

Key Features

Key Features

Regulation-Free Capital Raising
Bypass traditional regulatory constraints while maintaining full compliance through company tokenization.

Enhanced Liquidity
Tokenization enables quicker and broader asset trading, enhancing liquidity for your properties.

Digital Asset Management
A unified dashboard for monitoring investments, managing capital calls, and automating fee collections.

Broadened Investor Reach
Attract a global pool of investors keen to dive into the evolving digital real estate landscape.

Real-world Real Estate, Digital Innovations

With TokenSphere, real estate developers and agencies can move forward with the confidence that they're tapping into the potential of the digital realm while grounded in the tangible world of bricks and mortar.



Regulatory Environment


Investor Accessibility

Asset Fractionalization


Management Costs

Dividend Distribution

Integration with Technology

Global Reach

Traditional Private REIT

Traditional Private REIT

Highly regulated; specific requirements for operation and reporting.

Relatively illiquid, often has hold periods.

Limited to accredited investors in many jurisdictions.

Not common; investors buy units or shares of the REIT.

Quarterly/annual reporting. Due diligence can be extensive.

Often has management fees and other associated costs.

Regular distributions as per the REIT's terms.

Limited, mainly through traditional IT systems.

Limited, based on the REIT's jurisdictions of operation.



Moderate regulation (based on jurisdiction); designed to bypass traditional constraints.

Enhanced liquidity due to tokenization and fractional ownership.

Broader access with potential for retail investor inclusion due to fractionalization.

Central feature; assets can be fractionalized to increase investment access.

Continuous and transparent ownership and transaction records on the blockchain.

Automated processes can reduce management costs.

Automated dividend/proceed distribution possible.

Seamless integration with other digital platforms through APIs.

Potentially global, as tokens can be traded across borders.



Variable; depends on the nature and jurisdiction of the NFT or crypto asset.

Typically high liquidity & volatility, especially on popular NFT and crypto marketplaces.

Generally open to all

Assets can be split and owned fractionally.

Transparent transaction history, but the intrinsic value of assets can be subjective.

Variable; can range from low to high based on platform and asset type.

No dividends


Global, especially with widely recognized cryptocurrencies or NFT platforms.

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What people say

John M

Chair, Consilience Ventures

“Onboarding 300+ investors made easy.”

Jason H.

CEO Pancasila

"Launched in 4 weeks instead of 12 months."

Rob H.

Private Equity and Real Estate

“Calling capital and facilitating secondaries in clicks”

Digitised Investment Management

Formation / Setup

Cutting down investment vehicle formation times from 12 months to 4 weeks (13x improvement)

Weeks saved through Digitised KYC/AML

Customisable and automated fee collection


5x cost-effective capital-calls

10x cost and time in regulatory/ compliance reporting

Streamlined investor communications


Platform enabling secondary transactions to create liquidity in illiquid investments - 10x improvement

Harvesting and Close / Extension

5x cost effective auditable distributions

Carry over investors in a few clicks to new vintages

Launch new vintages in a few days instead of months